Below is a listing of important topics pertinent to parents. Please review this section thoroughly prior to the start of camp, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. There is additional information available on our Frequently Asked Questions pageThank you! 

Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Change of Dismissal Plans
What to Bring to Camp
Dress Code
Personal Property
Safety & Accreditation
Security Procedures
Camp Communication

Drop-Off & Pick-Up 

Camp begins everyday at 9:00AM. Be sure to drop off your child between 8:50 AM and 9:10 AM, being that some days we will be leaving camp grounds right away for trips. A staff member will be available to receive campers between 8:50 AM and 9:10 AM. End of day pick-up begins at 3:15 PM and ends at 3:30 PM. Please be prompt in picking up your child.

Drop off and pick up will be in front of the school. 

Early care and after care available from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. To signup visit your camp account and add it in the options section of each reservation.

For safety reasons, parents wishing to have their child released to anyone other than themselves or their designated substitute must make prior arrangements with the Camp Director.

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With camp in the heart of Squirrel Hill we will not be providing transportation.

We do use buses to transport camp back and forth from our weekly field trips and swimming.

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Change of Dismissal Plans

If your child’s end of the day arrangement is different from the usual, you must give a written note for the counselor. Do not leave a phone message. This includes changes in car-pool arrangements, play dates, etc. Please avoid calling camp during the day with changes, unless it is a true emergency. If both parents are out of town, the camp must be informed. 

For safety reasons, parents wishing to have their child released to anyone other than themselves or their designated substitute must make prior arrangements with the Camp Director.

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What to Bring to Camp

Clothing: Clothes should be comfortable, washable and appropriate for camp activities. Younger children should have a complete change of clothing to be kept at camp.

Shoes: Please make sure your camper has appropriate footwear for each week.

Swim: On our swim days (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) and water activity days, your camper should have proper swimwear (suit, goggles, towl, etc.), as well as sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied at home before camp. Campers will be encouraged to reapply after swimming, on their own. Our staff will only apply sunscreen spray on our campers if needed.

*Mark Clothing - Clothing, especially outerwear, should be marked with your child’s name.

In addition to what we offer at camp, we recommend sending your child each day with a disposable or labeled water bottle. Sending the water bottle frozen will allow it to remain cold.

Please send your Junior Division campers wearing their swimsuits underneath their clothes and sunscreen on our swim days.

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Dress Code  

The wearing of a CGI T-shirt during camp days is mandatory. We provide two free T-shirts for every camper. Additional camp shirts are available for purchase at $10 per shirt. We suggest purchasing an additional 2-3 shirts. To indicate your child's shirt size, and/or order additional shirts, please submit your completed Tshirt and transportation form in your camp account.

Other clothing items should be comfortable, washable and appropriate for camp activities. For safety, children must wear appropriate shoes. No slides or flip-flops allowed. Croc-style shoes are not appropriate for athletic activities.

Younger children should have a complete change of clothing to be kept at camp. MARK CLOTHING: Clothing, especially outerwear, should be marked with your child’s name.

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A fully nutritious lunch will be provided in camp every day, as well as snacks and drinks. A sample menu of the main dish, in addition to fruit or vegetables and a snack may include:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Mac in cheese

Pizza Bagels

Peanut butter & Jelly or 
American Cheese Sandwich 

Vegetarian Chicken nuggets 

Challa roll with egg or 
Tuna Sandwiches


The Primary Division gets a snack in the morning and drinks throughout the day, as well as lunch. The Junior Division gets snack in the morning and afternoon, drinks throughout the day and lunch. All campers receive popsicle at the end of the day. 

Important notice: Camp Gan Israel is a nut free facility. Any food sent in to camp for any reason must be free of all traces of nuts.
**If your child has any dietary restrictions or you need to send lunch and/or snacks with them, please make sure there is  NO  meat  and all items should be kosher.

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Personal Property

The Camp does not take responsibility for any personal items brought to camp, however, should any items be found during the course of camp, they will be kept in Lost and Found at the camp office.

Personal sports equipment such as baseball bats, hockey sticks, sports balls, etc. will be stored by the counselor and used under staff supervision.

ABSOLUTELY NO illegal substances or weapons of any kind will be allowed on camp grounds. Camp reserves the right to conduct searches when and if we feel necessary.

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Safety and Accreditation

CGI is an accredited camp of the Gan Israel Camping Association. As a precaution, all counselors are trained in CPR and First Aid. The swimming pool is supervised at all times by certified lifeguards. When going on field trips, contact is maintained at all times with the camp office by means of mobile communication.

In case of a medical emergency, family doctors (listed on the registration papers) and parents or guardians will be contacted immediately.

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Security Procedures

During pre-camp staff training our staff reviews our safety and security procedures. Every counselor will be in constant communication with the main office via walkie-talkies.

Please call the day before if you know your child will not attend camp. We kindly request a phone call by 8:00 a.m. if absence is unexpected.

In case of a major emergency, children will remain on campgrounds and will wait for parents to pick them up.

We have hired a security guard to be on site during camp to ensure that all the campers are safe at all times. 

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Camp Communication


Camp Administrative Offices: 412-421-0546 x3

Emergency Cell Phone: Rabbi Altein: 412-512-8900. Mrs. Nechama Gorkin: 919-961-8830.

Email: Camp Director, Mrs. Neachama Gorkin: [email protected]

Any changes that need to be communicated to parents will be done in three ways:
1) A flyer sent home in child's backpack. Please check backpacks daily.
2) An e-mail to parents.  Please make sure to check e-mail nightly.
3) Through our camp text messaging broadcast list. (All parents are automatically added to the list.) 

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